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- Federal Communications Commission FCC 93-545
- Before the Federal Communications Commission
- Washington, DC 20554
- PR Docket No. 93-305
- In the matter of
- Amendment of the Amateur Service
- Rules to Implement a Vanity Call Sign System
- Adopted: December 13, 1993; Released: December 29, 1993
- Comment Date: March 7, 1994
- Reply Comment Date: April 7, 1994
- By the Commission:
- 1. The ardent desire of amateur operators for call signs
- of choice presents an opportunity for us to focus on serving an
- important segment of the public. By this Notice, therefore, we
- propose to amend the amateur service rules to authorize the use
- of vanity call signs as set forth herein.
- 2. Each amateur station licensed by the Commission is
- assigned a unique call sign.[1] The assigned call sign itself
- conveys no frequency or operating privileges. Its only purpose is
- to provide for over-the-air identification of the station.[2]
- Nonetheless, amateur operators have a very high regard for call
- signs. They frequently request specific call signs with letters
- that represent something that is important to them, such as their
- initials, nicknames, or personal statements. Our current
- automated licensing process, however, will not support a vanity
- call sign system. The system is nearly two decades old and simply
- assigns call signs sequentially from groups of call signs,
- according to the applicant's class of operator license and
- mailing address.[3]
- 3. Information age technology is providing the capability
- to administer a vanity call sign system and provide better and
- more friendly service to our customers. The Private Radio
- Bureau's Licensing Division will soon be installing a new
- automated licensing process that will provide greater flexibility
- in licensing. With the added capability, we can now propose to
- amend the rules to implement a system whereby amateur station
- licensees could select call signs of their choice, provided they
- are not already assigned. This vanity call sign system would be
- in addition to the current sequential call sign system that we
- would continue to use for those applicants who do not want a
- vanity call sign.
- 4. The rules we are proposing herein would allow the
- licensee of an existing primary station[4] to request a
- modification of the license to show a call sign selected by the
- licensee. We also propose to extend this privilege to the license
- trustee of an existing club station. Finally, we also propose to
- administer a club and military recreation station call sign
- system under our new automated licensing process.[5]
- 5. Applicants for a vanity call sign would use a new
- application form.[6] The applicant would list on the form a maximum
- of ten call signs, in order of preference. The form would then be
- filed with the Commission.[7] We request comment on other means,
- such as magnetic computer disks, that applicants could use to
- apply directly to the Commission for a vanity call sign. The
- automated process would compare the applicant's list with the
- assigned call signs in the groups designated in the sequential
- call sign system for the applicant's class of operator license.
- The first available call sign from the applicant's list would
- then be assigned. If none of the call signs listed are available,
- the automated process would reassign the call sign that the
- applicant had vacated. The vanity call sign listed by the
- applicant must be within the framework of the sequential call
- sign assignment system wherein certain groups of call signs are
- designated for each class of operator license. Applicants,
- therefore. could choose call signs from the groups corresponding
- to their license classes or lower license classes.[8]
- 6. Licensees requesting vanity call signs would find it
- helpful to know which call signs are assigned at the time that
- they file their applications so that they can make prudent
- selections of call signs with a real possibility that their
- requests can be granted. Even with our enhanced licensing system,
- we do not currently envision on-line access by the public to
- check for call sign availability. We request comments on how this
- service could be made available.
- 7. The system that we are proposing should be viewed as
- but one step in creating a government agency that works better
- and costs less.[9] We note that the amateur service is on the
- cutting edge of information technology. Electronic bulletin
- boards are commonplace in the amateur service. Its volunteer
- examiners use modern information systems to prepare and
- administer paperless license examinations, to prepare examination
- session manifests, to maintain a licensee data base, and a host
- of other activities. Examinees study for examinations using
- computer-aided instruction. Our amateur service licensee data
- base is widely available from entrepreneurs and bulletin boards
- in practically all forms of magnetic media.[10] Our goal is to
- accept eventually applications for licenses or call signs
- electronically. We may even be able to issue the licenses
- electronically at some future date. As a starting point, we hope
- to accept application data from the volunteer-examiner
- coordinators by the end of 1994. We request comment on the
- options that may be available to allow electronic data transfer
- as soon as possible. Ultimately, we may be able to develop a
- system whereby authorization occurs instantly.[11]
- 8. We firmly believe in the principle that government
- should he responsive to user needs. Therefore, we are attempting
- to satisfy the desires of persons in the amateur community who
- want to choose their own call signs. The vanity call sign system
- that we have proposed is designed to be practicable to administer
- and simple for the amateur community to use. Accordingly. we
- propose to amend the amateur service rules to provide a vanity
- call sign system. Comments are invited on the proposal.
- Regulatory Flexibility Act
- 9. We certify that the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980
- does not apply to this rule making proceeding because, if the
- proposed rule amendments are promulgated, there will not be a
- significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
- business entities, as defined by Section 601(3) of the Regulatory
- Flexibility Act. The amateur stations that are the subject of
- this proceeding would not be authorized to transmit any
- communications where the station licensee or control operator has
- a pecuniary interest. The Secretary shall send a copy of the
- Notice of Proposed Rule Making, including the certification, to
- the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business
- Administration in accordance with paragraph 605(b) of the
- Regulatory Flexibility Act. Pub. L. No. 96-354, 94 Stat. 1164, 5
- U.S.C. '' 601-612 (1980).
- Ex Parte Rules - Non-Restricted Proceeding
- 10. This is a non-restricted notice and comment rule making
- proceeding. Ex Parte presentations are permitted, except during
- the Sunshine Agenda period, provided they are disclosed as
- provided in the Commission rules. See generally 47 C.F.R. ''
- 1.1202, 1.1203, and 1.1206(a).
- Comment Dates
- 11. Pursuant to applicable procedures set forth in Sections
- 1.415 and 1.419 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. '' 1.415 and
- 1.419, interested parties may filecomments on or before March 7,
- 1994, and reply comments on or before April 7,1994. To file
- formally in this proceeding, you must file an original and four
- copies of all comments and reply comments. If you want each
- Commissioner to receive a personal copy of your comments, you
- must file an original plus nine copies. You should send comments
- and reply comments to Office of the Secretary, Federal
- Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554. Comments and
- reply comments will be available for public inspection during
- regular business hours in the F.C.C. Reference Center of the
- Federal Communications Commission (Room 239), 1919 M Street, NW,
- Washington, DC 20554.
- Authority
- 12. Authority for issuance of this Notice of Proposed Rule
- Making is contained in Sections 4(i) and 303(r) of the
- Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. '' 154(i) and
- 303(r).
- Contact Person
- 13. For further information concerning this proceeding,
- contact Maurice J. DePont, Private Radio Bureau, (202) 632-4964.
- William F. Caton
- Acting Secretary
- [1] Some possible amateur station call sign variations are K1SS,
- N2WHY, W3CAT, AA4AA, KA5LAW, NB6HAM, and WC7SKI. There are almost
- 15 million possible combinations of letters and numbers for
- amateur station call signs.
- [2] Section 97 119(a) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. ' 97
- 119(a) requires an amateur station to transmit its call sign on
- its transmitting channel at the end of each communication and at
- least every ten minutes during a communication.
- [3] See Amateur Station Call Sign Assignment System, PR-5000
- Private Radio Bureau Fact Sheet #206 dated June, 1991. Stations
- licensed to the higher classes of operator license are assigned
- shorter call signs. Because shorter call signs are fewer in
- number, they are generally considered more desirable.
- [4] A station licensed to an individual is a primary station. See
- Section 97.5(d)(1) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. '
- 97.5(d)(1).
- [5] In a related Order, adopted today, we are terminating the
- privately administered club call sign and military recreation
- system that was established, but not actually in operation, by an
- Order that we adopted on May 11, 1993. See 8 FCC Rcd 3594 (1993).
- [6] FCC Form 610-V. FCC Form 610 which is currently used by
- applicants would also advise licensees holding vanity call signs
- to submit FCC Form 610-V with the proper fee, if they want to
- renew their license and retain the vanity call sign.
- [7] Section 9(g) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. 47
- U.S.C. ' 159(g), specifies a fee of $7.00 per year for amateur
- service vanity call signs. Section 9(f)(1) of the Communications
- Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. ' 159(f)(1) allows the
- Commission to require payment of small fees in advance for a
- number of years not to exceed the relevant license term. The
- Commission will conduct a rule making proceeding to implement
- these regulations. A vanity call sign system will not be started
- until the issues regarding implementation of fees have been
- resolved.
- [8] In the case of a club station, the license trustee's class of
- operator license would apply. Because military recreation
- stations and radio amateur civil emergency stations (RACES) are
- licensed to non-amateur operators, these stations would not be
- included under the vanity call sign system. Persons commenting on
- this proposal, however, may wish to submit alternatives
- suggesting ways that military recreation and RACES stations might
- be able to be brought into a system that would afford them call
- signs of choice.
- [9] Vice President Al Gore, Report of the National Performance
- Review, From Red Tape to Results: Creating a Government That
- Works Better and Costs Less (1993). The Vice President's Report
- stresses putting people first. Serving customers and cutting
- costs are two of its key principles. This Notice embraces these
- principles by seeking ways to use efficient technologies that are
- now available to the Commission to provide amateur community
- customers with the services they desire.
- [10]The amateur service licensee data base is available from the
- National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road,
- Springfield, Virginia 22161, (703) 487-4600 or 1-800-553-NTIS.
- [11]The licensee data base, for example, could service as the
- instrument of authorization.
- Part 97 of Chapter I of Title 47 of the Code of Federal
- Regulations is proposed to be amended as follows:
- Part 97 - Amateur Radio Service
- 1. The authority citation for Part 97 continues to read as
- follows:
- Authority citation: 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; 47
- U.S.C. '' 154, 303. Interpret or apply 48 Stat. 1064-1068, 1081-
- 1105, as amended; 47 U.S.C. '' 151-155, 301-609, unless otherwise
- noted.
- 2. In Section 97.17, paragraphs (b), (c), (f), are revised
- and a new paragraph (g) is added to read as follows:
- ' 97.17 Application for new license.
- *****
- (b) Each application for a new amateur service license must
- be made on the proper FCC form:
- (l) FCC Form 610 for a new operator/primary station
- license;
- (2) FCC Form 610-A for a reciprocal permit for alien
- amateur licensee; and
- (3) FCC Form 610-B for a new amateur service club or
- military recreation station license.
- (c) Each application for a new operator/primary station
- license must be submitted to the VEs administering the qualifying
- examination.
- *****
- (f) One unique call sign will be assigned to each new
- primary, club, and military recreation station using the
- sequential call sign system (call sign is selected sequentially
- by the FCC from an alphabetized list corresponding to the
- geographic region of the licensee's mailing address and class of
- operator license.) The FCC will issue public announcements
- detailing the procedures of the sequential call sign system.
- (g) Each application for a new club or military recreation
- station license must be submitted to the FCC, l270 Fairfield
- Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245. No new license for a RACES
- station will be issued.
- 3. Section 97.19 is revised in its entirety to read as
- follows:
- ' 97.19 Application for a vanity call sign.
- (a) A person holding an operator/primary or club station
- license may request a modification of the license to show a call
- sign assigned under the vanity call sign system (licensee selects
- the call sign).
- (b) Each request for a modification of a operator/primary
- or club station license to show a new call sign assigned under
- the vanity call sign system must be made on FCC Form 610-V. The
- form must be submitted with the proper fee to the address
- specified in the Private Radio Services Fee Filing Guide.
- (c) Each request for a renewal of a operator/primary or
- club station license retaining a call sign assigned under the
- vanity call sign system must be made on FCC Form 610-V. The form
- must be submitted with the proper fee to the address specified in
- the Private Radio Services Fee Filing Guide. To renew the license
- without retaining a vanity call sign, the applicant must use FCC
- Form 610 as specified in Section 97.21.
- (d) The following persons are eligible to apply for a new
- vanity call sign:
- (1) The holder of a valid operator/primary station license;
- and
- (2) The license trustee holding a club station license.
- (e) RACES and military recreation stations are not eligible
- for a vanity call sign.
- (f) Only unassigned call signs are available to the vanity
- call sign system.
- (1) A call sign that was previously assigned to a station
- whose license has lapsed is not available to the vanity call sign
- system for 2 years following expiration of the license.
- (2) A call sign assigned to a station of a deceased
- licensee is not available to the vanity call sign system for 2
- years following the licensee's death, or for 2 years following
- the expiration of the license, whichever is sooner.
- (3) A call sign that is vacated by the licensee is
- available immediately to the vanity call sign system.
- (g) Each vanity call sign requested must be selected from
- the groups of call signs designated under the sequential call
- sign system for the class of operator license held by the
- applicant or for a lower class.
- (1) The applicant must request that the call sign held be
- canceled and provide a list of up to 10 call signs in order of
- preference. The list will automatically end with the call sign
- vacated as the eleventh choice.
- (2) The first available call sign from the applicant's list
- will be assigned. When none of those call signs are available,
- the call sign vacated by the applicant will be reassigned.
- (3) Vanity call signs will be assigned from those call
- signs available at the time the application is processed by the
- FCC.
- (4) The FCC will issue public announcements detailing the
- procedures of the vanity call sign system.
- 4. Section 97.21 is revised in its entirety to read as
- follows:
- ' 97.21 Application for renewal, reinstatement, or
- modification of a license.
- (a) Each application for renewal, reinstatement, or
- modification of an amateur service license must be made on the
- proper FCC form(s):
- (1) FCC Form 610 to request renewal or reinstatement of an
- operator/primary station license. The form must be submitted to
- the FCC, 1270 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245. When the
- applicant desires to retain a call sign that was assigned under
- the vanity call sign system, FCC Form 610-V must be used as
- specified in Section 97.19.
- (2) FCC Form 610 to request modification of an operator
- license showing a change in operator class. The form must be
- submitted to the VEs administering the qualifying examination. A
- request for a vanity call sign may not be filed with the
- administering VEs. When the applicant desires to retain a call
- sign that was assigned under the vanity call sign system, the
- license will bear the original expiration date.
- (3) FCC Form 610 to request modification of an
- operator/primary station license showing a change of mailing
- address, change of name, or change of call sign to be assigned
- under the sequential call sign system. The form must be submitted
- to the FCC, 1270 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245. When
- the applicant desires to retain a call sign that was assigned
- under the vanity call sign system, the license will bear the
- original expiration date.
- (4) FCC Form 610-B to request renewal of a club, military
- recreation, or RACES station license. The form must be submitted
- to the FCC, 1270 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245. If
- the station has a call sign that was assigned under vanity call
- sign system, FCC Form 610-V must be used as specified in Section
- 97.19.
- (5) FCC Form 610-B to request modification of a club,
- military recreation, or RACES station license showing a change of
- mailing address, change of license trustee or custodian, or
- change of call sign to be assigned under the sequential call sign
- system. The form must be submitted to the FCC, 1270 Fairfield
- Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245. When the applicant desires to
- retain a call sign that was assigned under the vanity call sign
- system, the license will bear the original expiration date.
- (6) A reciprocal permit for alien amateur licensee is not
- renewable. A new reciprocal permit may be issued upon proper
- application.
- (b) Each application for renewal, reinstatement, or
- modification of an amateur service license must be accompanied by
- a photocopy of the license document or the original document,
- unless it has been lost, mutilated, or destroyed.
- (c) When the licensee has submitted a timely application
- for renewal of an unexpired license (between 60 and 90 days prior
- to the end of the license term is recommended), the licensee may
- continue to operate until the disposition of the application has
- been determined. If a license expires, application for
- reinstatement may be made during a grace period of 2 years after
- the expiration date. During this grace period, the expired
- license is not valid. A license reinstated during the grace
- period will be dated as of the date of the reinstatement.
- (d) Under the sequential call sign system, unless the
- licensee requests a change, the same call sign will be assigned
- to the station upon renewal, reinstatement, or modification of a
- station license.
- 5. Current sections 97.21, 97.23, 97.25, and 97.27 are
- redesignated as Sections 97.23, 97.25, 97.27, and 97.29,
- respectively.